Why file a tax return, even if it is not mandatory?

Publié le 28 February 2022

Why file a tax return, even if it is not mandatory?

Filing a tax return in Luxembourg is often beneficial, even if in your situation, it is not necessarily mandatory to do so. 

Is it mandatory to file a tax return in Luxembourg?

Yes, if…
Your household receives for example: 
  • an annual taxable income exceeding 100.000€.
  • several incomes (e.g. 2 different salaries)
  • income not taxed at source (e.g. rental income)

No, but...
Even if it is not mandatory, it can allow you to benefit from a considerable tax refund, because you can deduct some expenses on your return and so benefit from a tax refund!

Examples of refunds thanks to the tax return!

Example 1
Single without children with a gross monthly salary of 4.000€.
Deductions on the tax return:
  • Car insurance: 400€
  • Health insurance: 400€
  • House saving plan: 1.300€
  • Home cleaning fees: 5.000€
Taxes refunded thanks to a tax return: 2.002€

Example 2
Pacsed couple with two children, a monthly gross salary of 5.000€ and another salary of 3.000€.
Deductions on the tax return:
  • Car insurance: 800€
  • Health insurance: 1.000€
  • House saving plan: 4.000€
  • Home cleaning fees and childcare: 5.400€

Taxes refunded thanks to a tax return: 4.041€


How do you know if you can get a tax refund?

On taxx.lu you can simulate a tax return and find out for free how much tax can be refunded to you. If you then want to file your tax return, you can download it for only 50€. 
Create an account on taxx.lu


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