Tax return or annual statement

Publié le 25 April 2018

Tax return or annual statement?

Anyone with income in Luxembourg can apply for a refund of the surplus taxes paid!

Depending on your situation, you must complete Form 163 (annual statement) or Form 100 (tax return).
You must choose Form 100 if, for example:

  • The taxable income of your household is over 100.000€;
  • If someone of your household has more than one income (e.g. 2 salaries from 2 different companies);
  • Or if you own your home and have paid interest on a debt.

If none of these cases fit your situation and the Direct Tax Administration has not specifically asked you to return Form 100, then choose Form 163.

Completing a tax return or annual statement is often beneficial to the taxpayer. Run a simulation on to determine your refund!


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