Save your taxes today and enjoy extra income in the future!

Publié le 25 April 2018

Save your taxes today and enjoy extra income in the future!

Building up a retirement savings plan can pay big dividends! Today AND tomorrow!

Since 2017, the tax reform allows a deduction of up to €3,200. The reform thus allows everyone to save taxes while preparing for retirement.
It is a financial product that allows you to save for several years, a savings that will be paid between the ages of 60 and 75, either 100% in capital, or 100% through monthly payments, or a mix of both. Since the capital is invested on the stock exchange, at a risk level of your choice, you can enjoy a more attractive return than on a traditional savings account.

Example: A couple can thus benefit from a deduction of 6,400 EUR, which corresponds to a tax refund of up to 2,688 EUR.

Do you want to know how much you can save on your individual situation?
Feel free to evaluate your refund using a free simulator on


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