
Posted on 31 July 2023

Declare your rental income in Luxembourg! Here's How to Do It Easily !

Easily declare your rental income in Luxembourg with Follow the steps to deduct eligible expenses and take advantage of available tax benefits.
If you own a property rented out in Luxembourg, you must declare your rental income as it is not subject to withholding tax. 
Maintenance and repair costs, interest charges, management fees and property tax are deductible from rental income. 
In addition, Luxembourg allows you to depreciate the rental property, taking into account the cost of construction, deed fees, transfer tax and capital expenditure. 
Prior to 2021, the rate of depreciation varied depending on the year of completion of the property, but now it is 4% for less than 5 years and 2% for 5 years or more, with special capped depreciation. 
If you rent your property as part of a social rental management scheme, you can benefit from a 50% tax exemption on rental income. 
To declare your rental income, complete form 190.
Make life easier for yourself by using for an easy-to-understand form that will do all the calculations for you! 

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